Monday, December 28, 2009

Spider Solitaire.

Sometimes when working at the computer I get a little tired of concentrating so hard and so occasionally play a Computer game called “Spider Solitaire” to briefly relax. As it is to relax, I only play it at its easiest level. Which, amazingly, is usually easy!
However; there is the occasional game that never seems to want to work out no matter what I do. You know, you play it the way you always do, and then if that doesn’t work, you try all your normal tricks. But then it still never even looks like working out! So what do you do? Give it up completely. Leave it for a while and then try again later. Or try something different to what you always do or normally do?
I don’t know about you, but for me in this game, when it won’t work out doing any of the normal things I usually do, I have found that when I try the opposite to what I have been doing, it seems to both work itself out, and often so easily, that I wonder if it really was the same game that had me stumped for so long!
Now I know that not every thing in life is as simple as this game, but if you find yourself facing seemingly unresolvable obstacles and when you have unsuccessfully tried all your normal ways, instead of giving up completely, you may find it beneficial to take a little break, and then refreshed, try something completely different to what you are used to do doing, even if it is only as a one-off time for this occasion.
So as we all face another New Year, is there something that you have been trying to achieve unsuccessfully that you need to take a new and fresh approach to? Over to you now for your contemplation.

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