Saturday, October 4, 2008

Counting your age by days and not years.

Recently stumbled across a site on the Web: On it he mentioned that: “A few years back I began counting my age not in years, but days.
The day is the natural cycle of our lives. The cycle of light and dark, wakefulness and sleep, has more significance than the cycle of the seasons. Indeed, in equatorial latitudes, you hardly notice the passing of the seasons. The day is what counts.
Each day is a complete unit in itself. At the end of each day I can look back and take stock. How have I been? What have I learned? What can I be grateful for?
I can hold a day's experience in mind quite easily. Trying to go back and take stock of a whole year is much harder. Numerous incidents and discoveries are inevitably forgotten.
I also find it far more meaningful to think that I have lived through nearly twenty thousand days this life, rather than 50 years. And it reframes the future. I have -- probably -- thousands of days still to come. Thousands of new days to discover, enjoy and learn from. “
Further he added about, “Living Each Day in the Present. It is easy to go through our days on semi-automatic, caught up in doing and thoughts about the past and the future, not experiencing the present moment in its fullness.”
This mindset has a lot to recommend itself as a general principal, but I am not too sure that I actually like the thought of going around telling every body that at the time of writing/posting this, I am /was 21,1106!
However I do feel that it is probably good for us to take stock of our present situations a little more often than we do, even if not every single day. And that sometimes the time to change things is now, today, rather than waiting for another birthday or year, to come around before we consider things again. Because by that time, we may have forgotten or it may just be too late then to do anything meaningful or helpful.
Likewise I too think that sometimes we do “go through our days (& our lives) on semi-automatic, caught up in doing and thoughts about the past and the future, not experiencing the present moment in its fullness).
So tonight, when you come to the end of this day, will you look back and take stock of not only your day but of your life too? And ask yourself the following questions? How have you been today? What have you learned today? What can you be grateful for today?
Often we look back at the negativeness of our day and even our Life, but forget to think about and give appreciation for all the good things too. Often, numerous good things, incidents and discoveries are inevitably forgotten and unappreciated as we only focus on the bad things that have happened. So starting today, won’t you start living each day, one day at a time and focus on the good things and go out and discover, enjoy and learn from the new things in your life, leaving the past for the past. Again what say you?

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