Saturday, May 31, 2008

Healesville Sanctuary 74th Birthday.

Yesterday (May 30th) was the 74th anniversary of the opening of the Healesville (Australian native animal) Sanctuary. Now, I don’t know how many people turned up there yesterday but when it opened in 1934, just six children and three adults turned up for the opening. Now of course it gets around 350,000 visitors a year from all around the world.

Now I haven’t done the exact maths, but that is over 900 a day on average, which is quite an improvement on that first day’s humble beginnings, isn’t it? Which just goes to show what can happen when you give things ago and are prepared to work on it for the long haul isn’t it.

Now the Healesville sanctuary is famous for its work with The Platypus, but it was also the first place to breed Lyrebirds in Captivity too, so it fulfills an important role in our society.

Maybe even you can too, if you are prepared to start something new, even if from humble beginnings, but also with a noble goal in mind.

So what about it? Is there something that you know you can do and maybe even should do, but are afraid to take that first step or may even have taken that first step but have been discouraged by the initial poor reception? Well stick at it.

The Healesville Sanctuary is successful now but it hasn’t always been so, and it has often had to struggle just to survive particularly in its early years. But it has and now it flourishes, all because it persevered in its aims and goal. Perhaps you too can replicate its success if you too give it ago and hang on in there during the tough “teething” days? Who knows? What say you?

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