Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Buy Expensive Things?

In my recent blog “Why Buy Expensive Toys” I reminisced on how little children often got greater pleasure out of the simple inexpensive things, than the more expensive ones.

However as any parent of growing children will agree, that stage quickly passes, and it is not long before they want the latest trendy expensive things that they see their peers have.

If you are lucky they will also eventually grow out of that stage when they have to buy their own things, though not always.

Sometimes there is real validity in buying the more expensive quality item, but oft times these days, the (often much) cheaper Item is as good as or even better than the more expensive items, and often last longer too!

Sometimes there is little real “difference” in quality between name” brands” and Generic brands, but real differences in cost. Often we pay big bucks for the Brand name, but get little extra value for our extra money. So what about you? Do you shop for value or labels?

These days, especially when compared to my (long gone) youth, there is more and more every day to spend our money on, but are we really spending it wisely? Or are there many more things that we could do with the same amount of money that we now have, if we spent it more economically?

Now I am not actually saying to buy everything completely on price alone. You have to use some sense here and sort the wheat from the Chaff, but sometimes the cheaper wheat is just as good as the more expensive kind, especially if it is all going to become flour anyway! What say you?

1 comment:

Lynx217 said...

our store brand version of Oreo's is actually as good if not better than the real ones according to the man. most cereals I buy generic now as they're lower in sugar and taste better it seems. same with some soups, especially condensed. I used to swear by campbell's, and still will if I'm sick, but otherwise, generic will do. But on other things, esp electronics, lesson learned, if it's cheap, it probably was made cheap too!