Thursday, March 20, 2008

Superfluous but nice Praise.

Although today is actually our First -Born’s 30th Birthday, she had her party last weekend with over 50 in attendance made up of Family, friends, and work mates.
I was chatting with one of her Bosses who said some really nice things about her. (All true too!) Then he said something also very true but to my mind very superfluous. I mean to say, what father needs to be told that He should be proud of his Child, I ask you?
As I told Him I/we are very proud of all three of our kids: Both the Girls and our boy. To which he replied with a statement that was not superfluous at all. He said that as he had not met our son, he could make no comment there, but he had met our youngest daughter (on the odd occasion she had gone to have lunch or whatever with her sister,) and fully agreed with my right to be proud of her too.
I thought then, that here is a man in whom there is no Guile. He lavishly praised our first born and even acknowledged as good the little he knew of our last born, but he was not prepared to make comment one way or the other about the one he didn’t know.
What about us? You and me? Can the same be said about us too? Are we as quick to praise where praise is due? But even then, only to offer genuine praise and not make false comment, just for conversation sake? What say you?
In the mean time: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BIG BABY OF MINE. Proud of you and love you heaps.

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