Friday, March 28, 2008

Lady Astor and Winston Churchill.

Recently I did a couple of blogs on Winston Churchill and his run-ins with a certain Lady Astor. Of course I knew who Sir Winston was but had no idea who Lady Astor was until I received this reply from England saying that “Lady Astor was the first woman to be admitted to Parliament so we can now look back and see how much Churchill disliked this intrusion of a male dominated domain!!
How about you? Do you likewise despise someone else intruding on what you consider to be your own personal domain? There should be no place for discrimination of people on any grounds other than competency in the task that they are given to do. We should accept or reject all people on their talents, not on their colour, creed or sex. What say you?
I will leave you with one last item from the Churchill/Lady Astor Feud:
Lady Astor: "if you were my husband I would put poison in your drink"
Churchill replied, "If I was your husband I would drink it!"

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