Thursday, February 21, 2008

More on a great Dame (Elisabeth Murdoch.

Recently I wrote on Dame Elisabeth Murdoch’s activities as she approached her 99th Birthday. Since then, at her Birthday Party she was subsequently asked how was she faring? To which she replied,” I still have my memory … my garden, and I just keep myself busy”

{Part of that keeping Busy was to add yet another society (for devotees of Henry Handel Richardson) to become Patron of.}

As I said last time, few of us will ever have recourse to the Murdoch Millions, so we may not have the large garden or the many societies clambering after us, but there is still plenty that plenty of us can do. Whether as volunteers or as individuals. We may not be able to become patrons of any Society but we can surely join ones that interest us can’t we? We may never be able to give millions to organizations or causes can we? But we can always give a dollar or two to those we feel most need it, can’t we? We may not all be able to have huge gardens but all of us can have a special plant or two, even in a pot, that we can call “Our special garden” can’t we?

So just because you and I will never be able to do a fraction of what Dame Elisabeth, and many others like her, can do, doesn’t mean we can’t nor shouldn’t, do something does it?

We all have our own memories, and our own gardens (Hobbies or points of interest) and we can all keep busy can’t we?

So my question for you today is not just, “What are you doing to keep busy? ”, but what more can you do to keep fully occupied and even to helping others, unable to do so by themselves?

Over to you for today! Walter

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